Childhood Cancer Awareness Color: Gold
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: September
"September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. During National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we honor the young lives taken too soon and the survivors who face chronic health challenges, we celebrate the progress made in treatment and recovery, and we rededicate ourselves to fighting this disease so all children may have the chance to live a full and healthy life." ~President Obama
Childhood Cancer affects about 13,400 children between birth and 19 years of age each year. Additionally, cancer is the most comon cause of death by disease for children and adolescents in the United States. The gold ribbon was created by parents of children with cancer and former CCCF board member Gigi Thorsen. Its first production as a lapel pin was funded by CCCF in 1997.
*Sources: American Childhood Cancer Organization: http://www.acco.org